Imasu Definition Imasu means “To Be” or “Exist” and is used to refer to people and animals, which are obviously alive. The use of Arimasu is used to refer to things that are not alive such as books, rocks or dolls.ĭefinition: 意味 post office. Learn Japanese vocabulary: 郵便局 【ゆうびんきょく】(yuubinkyoku). What is Kissaten?Ī kissaten (喫茶店), literally a “tea-drinking shop”, is a Japanese-style tearoom that is also a coffee shop. The first day of the week, Sunday in Kanji is written as 日曜日, and it is pronounced as “nichiyoubi.” The second day of the week, Monday in Kanji is written as 月曜日, and it is pronounced as “getsuyoubi.” The third day of the week, Tuesday in Kanji is written as 火曜日, and it is pronounced as “kayoubi.” The fourth day of the May 23, 2020. Kenkou けんこう 【健康】 adjectival noun → conjugation / noun: health sound wholesome. Seiso is the third step of the 5S method. It means “to make everything shiny clean”. It is the only one-time step in the process. : a Japanese town or commercial center especially : the lowest administrative division which is coordinate with the purely rural mura. Nigiyaka is a Japanese word meaning crowded, or cheerful. Learn more about its pronunciation and usage in the Japanese language below. If you already watched or read JoJo’s Bizzarre Adventure in Japanese, you would know the iconic phrase by Jotaro Kujo: “やれやれ” -pronounced “Yare Yare”. The phrase is trasnlated to intrepretations such as “well well”, “good grief” and “give me a break.” It is a common expression in Japan used to show disappointment. – “Yamete!” = Stop it! – “Yamete kudasai.” = Can you please stop it? ・A more polite phrase. When Japanese people explicitly state “you” in their sentences, it’s proper to use the person’s name and attach a suffix. You are probably already familiar with “~san”, which is a polite suffix. If you use “anata” with someone who you know, it is rude. The word “kore” means “this,” and “dare” means “who.” As we learned in Segment 3, by adding “ka” to the end of a sentence, we can make a question, so while looking at a photo or painting of someone, we can ask, “Kore wa dare desu ka?”.

When you want to talk about things you do not know the name of, you can use such expressions as kore, sore, are, and dore. Kore refers to something close to the speaker sore refers to something close to the person you’re talking to are refers to an object that is neither close to the speaker or the listener. Today’s expressions are “ikimasu,” meaning “to go,” and “kimasu,” meaning “to come.” “Ikimasu.” You use this phrase to express that someone or something moves from where it is now to another location. Learn Japanese vocabulary: 机 【つくえ】(tsukue). Japanese Cafe: 喫茶店 (kissaten)May 8, 2018. What is a Japanese cat cafe?Ĭat cafes (猫カフェ, neko cafe) are a type of coffee shop where patrons can play with cats that roam freely around the establishment.