Gboard text shortcuts
Gboard text shortcuts

gboard text shortcuts


How to use words from personal dictionary Now you have successfully added your email id as a word ( and added a shortcut ( em) in personal dictionary.Tap Enter key in the keyboard to save the word in dictionary.Tap Type a word and start typing any word which you want to add in the column Tap Shortcut and add a shortcut like em which we will use it for typing the email id.

gboard text shortcuts

  • Tap ADD link available in top right corner of the Personal Dictionary screen.
  • Tap English under Personal Dictionary screen.
  • Tap Personal dictionary under Dictionary screen.
  • Names which are uncommon (like Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoevsky).

  • Email ID (contains special character Address (can contain punctuation marks like full stop(.), dashes (-) and comma (,) ).
  • Shortcut to words in personal dictionary is optional but does not have any restriction on number of characters, but if you make it too lengthy then the purpose get lost. Maximum length of the word can not exceed 48 characters including spaces. A word in personal dictionary not necessarily be a single word rather it could be complete sentence and can contain any character including alphabets, numerals, special characters like punctuation marks and spaces. You can easily add words to your personal dictionary through Gboard settings and optionally a shortcut can be added to it.

    gboard text shortcuts


    Apart from manual addition of words into personal dictionary, Gboard automatically created a database of learned words from your past typing habits which can be deleted and rebuilt again. With the shortcut you can quickly type the long words in your typing. You can add long words to personal dictionary and create a shortcut to it by letter or word. The symbol you clicked should now appear on the document you’re typing in.Gboard speeds up your typing by using many functions and personal dictionary is one among them. A dialog box with different symbols you can use would appear. If you have a hard time remembering these keyboard combinations and codes, you can always use the symbols menu. Remember that there should be no space in between typing the code and pressing Alt + x. Press down the Ctrl and Alt keys then, press C.This works on Word on a Mac computer too. The easiest way is to type C inside a parenthesis (C). All these methods are written below and you can follow whichever is easier for you to remember. There are multiple ways on how you can type the copyright on Microsoft Word. Simply press and hold the Option key then, press G. Typing symbols in Mac is simple because the keyboard combinations are easy to remember. Click COPY and then paste it on the document or file you intend to use it in.Locate the copyright mark and double click the symbol to select.Search for the Character Map app on your computer by typing ‘Character Map’ on the search box on your task bar.If your keyboard doesn’t have a numeric keypad, you can use the character map. Make sure that the num lock key is on too. Remember that you can only use these Alt codes by typing the numbers on your numeric keypad. The copyright mark is not part of our keyboards, but there are Alt codes you can use on your computer if your keyboard has a numeric keypad. Just switch to that keyboard, locate the symbol and tap it.


    On an Android device, you can easily find the copyright symbol on the Numbers-and-Symbols keyboard. To use it, switch to the emoji keyboard and go to the section marked with a musical note, a percentage sign, and two other symbols.

    gboard text shortcuts

    The copyright symbol on iPhone is on the emoji keyboard.

    Gboard text shortcuts