Created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, he made his debut in The Flash #139 (September 1963). "He is a fictional supervillain appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. In fact, he is one of the causes of the whole world being at risk in one DC timeline. This character is known to be more of a Flash villain but he has had his fair share of run-ins with Batman.
The character was subsequently portrayed by Marion Cotillard in the 2012 film The Dark Knight Rises, and Lexa Doig in the television series Arrow." Question 25 Name this Batman Villain The character was voiced by Helen Slater and Olivia Hussey in the DC Animated Universe, which became her first appearances in media other than comic books. She has appeared in over 500 individual comics issues and has been featured in various media adaptions. She has alternately been depicted as an anti-hero. She is the daughter of the supervillain Ra's al Ghul, the grand-daughter of Sensei, the half-sister of Nyssa Raatko, the on-and-off romantic interest of the superhero Batman, and the mother of Damian Wayne (the fifth Robin). "The character was created by writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Bob Brown, and first appeared in Detective Comics #411 (May 1971). This character is known to have been one of Batman's love interest and in many iterations of the character, she and Batman had a child together. Good luck! Question 1 Name this Batman Villain

They are all unique and some even appear to be similar in their superpowers making them hard to distinguish.

There are 50 total villains and 50 total questions and each villain has a description of where they came from and what their powers are. That means unless you are a huge fan of the Batman comics it may be hard to name some of the more obscure Batman villains in this quiz.

These villains were typically one-offs in the comics or weren't popular enough to adapt into other forms of media. While Batman has his fair share of notable villains there are also a few villains that didn't get the same limelight like some of the more well-known villains.
Through the years there have been many famous supervillains that have stuck around and appeared in things like comics, TV shows, video games, and even movies. As he gained more popularity the comic book writers needed to keep coming up with different and unique kinds of super villains for Batman to face. A series is only as good as its bad guys Lost had its problems, but Ben Linus was as good as bad gets.Batman is one of the most famous superheroes ever and that means that he has a long list of villains waiting to take him down. By the end of the series he was almost a co-protagonist, granted a shot at redemption he probably didn't deserve. Yet his nerd-turned-bully demeanor contained a perverse charisma - particularly when played off his odd-couple relationship with Terry O'Quinn's John Locke, the Professor X to his Magneto - that slowly won audiences over. Kidnapping, torture, mass murder, the sacrifice of his own daughter - there was nothing Ben wouldn't do to protect the Island from those he deemed unworthy of its secrets. Originally cast as a for a brief arc as a castaway who may or may not have been one of the sinister Others, the actor brought such a twitchy, soft-spoken intensity to the work that showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse reimagined the role as the series' Big Bad. Like the magical mystery island that changed the lives of those aboard Oceanic Flight 815, Michael Emerson's performance as Ben Linus warped reality around him.